Architectural Business

Our membrane products and technologies allow freedom and flexibility to architecture and functionality and comfort to industries. We will further pursue the possibilities of membranes to create architecture which illuminates life and society, people and the earth.


We create large-scale membrane structures covering large domes, transportation facilities, school gymnasiums.
It enables free architecture that could not be expressed with conventional materials, and also has the advantage of reducing construction and lighting costs.

Features of Membrane Structural Buildings

Wide open spaces

Membrane materials are extremely lightweight compared to conventional building materials. Membrane construction can take advantage of this lightness to create vast spaces with no pillars.

High transparency for bright spaces

It can be constructed with a lightweight material composition, which reduces transportation costs and construction time. White membrane materials also contribute to reduced lighting costs due to their high light transparency.

Enables labor savings at construction sites

Compared to other buildings, construction is easier and can be completed in a shorter period of time, allowing construction to proceed with fewer workers. This system helps to meet the challenges of labor shortages in the construction industry and also contributes to the reduction of labor costs.

Contributes to reduction of environmental impact

Compared to buildings that use many metal or concrete components, membrane structural buildings are lightweight and require fewer materials, greatly reducing the environmental impact of transportation. Even after completion, the highly translucent, white membrane roofs provide brightness, reducing the use of daytime lighting and power consumption.

Utilized in various buildings and facilities in Japan
Our membrane construction buildings.
With products and technologies that are one step ahead of the competition,
We will create further value for membranes.

Strengths of the Architectural Business

Thorough pursuit of the unique characteristics of membranes

Membranes have the characteristics of being flexible, lightweight, light-permeable, and able to cover a wide area or wrap around an object. Since our founding, we have continued to pursue ways to take advantage of the unique properties of membranes. The appeal of membranes is the starting point of our business and our greatest strength.

Outstanding manufacturing and construction capabilities

We also have plants operating at three locations in Japan, and can provide a full range of services from planning to design, manufacturing, and installation of membrane structural buildings. Our technical staff, who are well versed in the characteristics of membranes, along with our many years of experience, can demonstrate their construction capabilities to meet our clients' needs.

Industry-leading R&D and design technology

We have the industry's only technical research laboratory, which is responsible for research and development of membrane structure technology and materials. From material development to titanium dioxide photocatalytic membranes, light-storing membranes that store sunlight during the day and issue it at night, and environmentally friendly membrane materials using kenaf, we contribute to our customers with our unique development and technical capabilities.

For more information on the Architectural Business